Tuesday, May 31, 2011


As we wrap up Lupus Awareness month it has dawned on me that this disease is very much a relentless and confused defender to those who are affected by it. For those that do not know what lupus is let me briefly explain.

Systemic lupus erythematosus, often abbreviated to SLE or lupus, is a systemic autoimmune disease (or autoimmune connective tissue disease) that can affect any part of the body. With lupus, the immune system attacks the body's healthy cells and tissue instead of the unhealthy cells, resulting in inflammation and tissue damage. It is a Type III hypersensitivity reaction caused by antibody-immune complex formation. SLE most often harms the heart, joints, skin, lungs, blood vessels, liver, kidneys, and nervous system. The course of the disease is unpredictable and often found to mimic other diseases and conditions. It disguises itself as the consummate team player when, in fact, it tears the team apart. Therefore, I call lupus a relentless, confused and unpredictable defender because it doesn't know it's role, it overcompensates to prove a point and it ultimately destroys team chemistry. Sound familiar?

Often times we willingly submit to and ultimately suffer from lupus in our lives. Coach what do you mean by that? We suffer from a different type of lupus when we choose certain people to play on our team. While they appear to be capable, hard working and committed to the team’s vision during practice and in the offseason, they show their true colors when game time comes. All of a sudden when game time arrives our “so-called” teammates turn into relentless, confused, and unpredictable defenders. They play hard, they battle for rebounds, they fight through screens they even dive on the floor for loose balls but as soon as they get steals they either give the ball back to the opposing team, they step out of bounds, or they shoot and score on the opposing team’s basket. Who does that? Some of the teammates you’ve selected in the past or the ones that are currently on your roster.

So, what am I saying? I’m saying that often times we put people on our team and our team is affected in the very same way. We pick people to play on our team because we think they can help us win because of their appearance instead of what they are actually capable of doing. We also put people on our team because they say they want to help the team win when in fact they’re only in it for themselves. When we construct our teams we must communicate what each member’s role will be on the team. If people can’t accept their role then cut em’. Do not sign and trade them because they could easily assume a lupus like role on someone else’s team. May is Lupus Awareness Month but people are affected by lupus all year around. Someone you know has Lupus.