Friday, October 17, 2008


"I'm supposed to be a franchise player, and we talkin about practice....not a game, not a game. We talkin about practice."
-Allen Iverson

Life and the prosperity in it can be broken down into one simple Coach Rice proverb;
"If it's not practice time, then it's game time. If it's not game time, it's practice time."

Every phase in our lives that we've been through and/or are currently going through is training ground for the next level. From the time we started pre-school and matriculated through our respective grades, there has been one constant theme; practice, practice, practice. Now let's be honest. A lot of us hate practice. Often times we hate practice because we feel as if it is beneath us. We feel like we can't get any better. Thus, we only want to reap the benefits of game time. The reality is that the benefits of game time is winning, which is direct result of practice and game time adjustments.

Practice eventually breeds a spirit of confidence, develops a mastery of needed skills and ultimately it creates beneficial habits. Practice was designed for us to become our own best competition. It's why homework, prayer, meditation, weight-training, martial arts, were created. These things were meant to properly prepare us for war. Once we've been shown what to do in practice , it is incumbent on us to push ourselves during our private workouts. While we strive for perfection, that is not the goal of practice. The goal of practice is to make everything we do permanent; our thoughts, actions, leadership, and the impact that we make during our lifetime.

How good we become at certain things is determined not simply by how consistently and vigorously we practice, but how well we plan our practice. Once we create our practice plan, it must contain 3 things; 1) A list of relevant, challenging and effective exercises 2)A realistic time limit to complete the workout regimen 3) The exact time and place for the next game

In this life we do well what we do most. The more we commit to consistently, effectively and vigorously practicing the better we will perform during game time. In order to perform well during game time, we must apply what we do in practice once game time is here. Thus, whatever it is you wish to have or wish to do you must practice as if game time is now even if it's hours, days, weeks, months and years from now. No matter how many times you win or how many times you lose, you still gotta continue to practice. In this life you're either at practice or you're in the game. REAP THE BENEFITS OF PRACTICE IN EVERY POSSESSION OF EVERY QUARTER OF EVERY GAME. If it's not practice time, it's game time. Let's go!

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