Wednesday, February 16, 2011


The title might get your attention or have you shaking your head. Nonetheless, all of my former players are probably smiling or laughing to themselves right now. Why? Garbage Drill, while clearly the strangest name for a basketball drill, is a drill that majority of my former players frowned upon at first but eventually grew to love and request at every practice.

Without a whistle or warning, a coach rolls the ball out onto the floor and the drill is “live”. 3 players chase the ball down and the only way get the ball is to dive on the floor. The first one to get on the floor and secure the ball then passes the ball to nearest open teammate and they all run a fast break with no defense, make the lay-up and their turn is done.

Garbage Drill has 3 rules that are non-negotiable:
1) Everyone has to dive on the floor to get the ball
2) Whoever has the ball must pass it to the nearest teammate while still on the floor
3) Everyone must communicate in order to make the basket and finish the drill

Garbage Drill has 3 Life Lessons that all of us should recognize:

* In order to get the next level you gotta get dirty and do the tasks that may have nothing to with your passion and purpose in
life and do it with tenacity.

* High Risk, High Reward: “diving” on the floor for the loose ball requires you take pre-meditated and spontaneous risks.
Whether you fail or succeed you make progress because you learn. The reward is in the risk.

* There’s pride in every job because every job has purpose. No matter where you currently find yourself working, be advised
that if you don’t do your job and play your role then the team suffers.

GARBAGE DRILL is about doing the work we often despise en route to your passion. This work is not glamorous. However, by doing this work you are creating and developing a work ethic that will eventually allow you to elevate. Take a look at some friends of ours that have benefitted from garbage drill;

Nicholas Cage – Concessions at the Movie Theatre
Russell Simmons- Orange Julius
Jill Scott- Dairy Queen, Cache, Construction Worker (Jack Hammer)
Donald Trump-Rent Collector
Bill Gates-Congressional Page at Washington State House

The only difference between you and everybody else is the willingness to clean up the garbage instead of complaining about it.


1 comment:

ShaunsMusings said...

Great blog coach! Many of us want expediency but as you mention, the reward comes only after doing what most are unwilling to do.